Computational Visual Media (CVM 2024) Activity

Events 2024.02.26

Computational Visual Media Conference 2024 (CVM2024) Activity:

Paper Session

TitleContinual Few-shot Patch-based Learning for Anime-style Colorization

Presenter(s):Akinobu Maejima (OLM Digital, IMAGICA GROUP), Seitaro Shinagawa(NAIST), Hiroyuki Kubo (Chiba University), Takuya Funatomi (NAIST),Tatsuo Yotsukura (OLM Digital, IMAGICA GROUP), Satoshi Nakamura,Yasuhiro Mukaigawa (NAIST)

Description:The automatic colorization of anime line drawings is a challenging problem in production pipelines. Recent advances in deep neural networks have addressed this problem; however, collecting many images of colorization targets in novel anime work before the colorization process starts leads to chicken-and-egg problems and has become an obstacle to using them in production pipelines. To overcome this obstacle, we propose a new patch-based learning method for few-shot anime-style colorization. The learning method adopts an efficient patch sampling technique with position embedding according to the characteristics of anime line drawings. We also present a continual learning strategy that continuously updates our colorization model using new samples colorized by human artists. The advantage of our method is that it can learn our colorization model from scratch or pre-trained weights only using a few pre- and post-colorized line drawings that are created by artists in their usual colorization work. Therefore, our method can be easily implemented into existing production pipelines. We demonstrated that our colorization method outperformed state-of-the-art methods using a quantitative evaluation.

Project page

A technical survey was published in the Journal of IEICE

News 2024.02.13

A technical survey was published in the Journal of IEICE (February 2024 issue).

Title: The Toon Shader for Anime and Beyond

Author: Ken Anjyo

Abstract: Toon shading provides hand-drawn anime look for 3DCG objects. Various toon shading techniques have been developed for creating hybrid animation where 3D models seamlessly blend into hand-drawn animations. This survey discusses the fundamental concepts and history of toon shading, as well as practical issues and solutions. It also examines the evolution and diversification of toon shading and related techniques, along with recent examples utilizing GPUs and AI approaches.

The Toon Shader for Anime and Beyond (in Japanese)(PDF
Ken Anjyo
The Journal of IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers), Vol.107 No.2, pp.167-172, 2024.02.01
Online ISSN:2188-2355, Print ISSN:0913-5693

