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OLM KiraKira

Last Update: May. 24. 2024

Efficient stars and glows from highlights

Generates some simple glow effects from highlights in a picture. Glow length and rotation can be adjusted. We added some quality/speed up threshold to match efficiency requirement of various workflows.

Color Keep

Last Update: May. 24. 2024

Get just the color you want

If you want to get only one color with common keying tools, you would have to key all color but the color you want. This can be a really boring and long procedure, and even on the computation cost it ends up by being inefficient. That’s why we propose a tool that just KEEPS the color you want: Color Keep. This tool has been designed for cel anime production, thus support only flat colors.

OLM Directional Blur

Last Update: May. 24. 2024

2D Cartoon Style Directional Blur

This plugin is a custom directional blur for 2D animation. Unlike regular blur, it is anisotropic and keeps color intensity and details of the source image. Noise can be added to generate cartoon motion lines.

OLM Smoother

Last Update: May. 24. 2024

Smoothing without blurring

First scan the drawing, then convert to black and white (not grayscale). You get some drawings that are easy to color with filling tools, but the line get aliased. You can use OLM Smoother to apply smoothing effect without blurring. This smoothing technique is similar to Morphological Antialiasing(MLAA)

OLM Radial Blur

Last Update: May. 24. 2024

2D Cartoon Style Radial Blur

This plugin is a custom radial blur for 2D animation. Unlike regular blur, it is anisotropic and keeps color intensity and details of the source image. Noise can be added to generate cartoon motion lines.

OLM Blur

Last Update: May. 24. 2024

Blur for Cel Animation

This plugin blurs the border between colors. By combining with OLM Color Key, we can obtain this cartoon specific blur without cutting any masks.

OLM Color Key

Last Update: May. 24. 2024

Color Key + Color Keep

It combines OLM Color Keep features with After Effects default color key and edge thin/feather features. We added multiple color and color space and increased control over edge thin/feather feature. We also add color replacement function that is used a lotin cartoon creation.

Distance Gradation

Last Update: May. 24. 2024

Gradation from alpha border

By using Distance Transform, it generates gradation according to the distance to alpha channel edges. This plugin can generate light aura effects effeciently and may be used in various other effects.

OLM Keylight

Last Update: Apr. 04. 2024


OLM Keylight is a light reimplementation of The Foundry® Nuke® plug-in Keylight for color keying. It is simpler and faster.

OLM Peg Hole Stabilizer

Last Update: Nov. 08. 2023

Automatically aligns peg holes

Animation drawing are scan in batch using automatic document feeder. However there peg holes may not be aligned and need to be stabilized. This tool process scans in batch to align the peg holes.

Noise Deformer

Last Update: Nov. 30. 2022

Use noise function to deform object shape

This deformer plug-in for Autodesk Maya allows you to alter shapes with various noise fields. Among other parameters, noise strength or detail level can be animated. This a very general tool that can be use a wide range of shots.

Brush Shader

Last Update: Aug. 01. 2014

Bring Photoshop-like painted layers to Maya

By looking at how our artists create textures and background in Photoshop, we thought about bringing this to Maya into shaders. That is what Brush Shader is about. It takes some textures, multiplies it, overlays it and generate layers you can then composite through our Blend Compositing tool. You can get the equivalent of textures with 10-100k of resolution easily.


Blend Compositing

Last Update: Aug. 01. 2014

Bring Photoshop-like layers compositing to Maya

By looking at how our artists create textures and background in Photoshop, we thought about bringing this to Maya into shaders. That is what Brush Shader is about. It takes some textures, multiplies it, overlays it and generate layers you can then composite through our Blend Compositing tool. You can get the equivalent of textures with 10-100k of resolution easily.


Auto Color Keep

Last Update: Aug. 01. 2011

Cut your anime cel by color

If you want to cut an anime cel in meaningful parts, you can cut by colors. For example, you can use Color Keep and keep the main color and shadow colors of each needed parts. Auto Color Keep is a tool that analyzes all color connections, and all frames of an animation to generate layers with the different parts of the cel isolated.

After Effects

Line Keep

Last Update: Aug. 01. 2011

Recover cel outline after rotoscope

Anime cel have one outline color. It is then impossible to split it just by using color information. After having rotoscoped some parts using color information (like with Color Keep), we recover each connected outline by using Line Keep. This plug-in has been developed to rotoscope cel animation during 2D/3D conversion.

After Effects

Alpha Separation

Last Update: Aug. 01. 2011

Separate area using alpha channel

This AE plug-in assign an ID to each alpha area by using connection information. When using Color Keep, you may get multiple area of the same color (for example face and area with skin color). You can then use Alpha Separation to process it separately. This plug-in has been developed to rotoscope cel animation during 2D/3D conversion.

After Effects

Magic Wand

Last Update: Oct. 26. 2012

Easy selection of regions

Point a region, set a range and the tool will gather for you the parts of the drawing you need. The algorithm use region detection and is specifically designed to handle cartoon drawings and uses fill and outline colors.

After Effects

Stroke Select

Last Update: Oct. 26. 2012

Paint your selection

Use any tool you want to paint roughly some stroke on your drawing. Stroke Select will use a customized Watershed algorithm to fill up the drawing with the given colors, enabling simple rotoscope of your drawings. Even if it has been designed to handle cartoon animation, the tool can handle any kind of pictures.

After Effects

Color Rotoscope

Last Update: Oct. 26. 2012

Cut it with colors (pick up color regions with Stroke Select)

This tool has been designed to work with the Stroke Select tool. Using a color map on a pictures, it enables to extract the pictures from the given colors. This simplifies the rotoscope process and makes it visual.

After Effects

Alpha Track / Alpha Track Params

Last Update: Aug. 01. 2011

Follow your alpha automatically

For example you got to render a 3D object flying in your scene. Then, when you enter in your composite phase, you want to add some glow or light effect, and you want it to move the same way as your object. Manually tracking the object and edit each effect to follow it is a really tedious task. By using Alpha Track you can use the alpha channel of your rendering to get the position, rotation and scale of your object.

After Effects

Color Rescale

Last Update: Aug. 01. 2011

Autolevels + alpha

Autolevel is a process that automatically remap colors from [min, max] to [0,1] range. With Color Rescale you can map [min, max] to a [a,b] range you defined. Moreover you can use an alpha threshold to ignore small alpha values during the min/max determination process. This is very useful for example when creating stereoscopic pictures with various depth layers. You can adjust each layer depth range easily.

After Effects

Color Constraint

Last Update: Aug. 01. 2011

Force the color connection

When you pile two layers, you will see it as two different things. but sometimes, those two things touch each other at some point. This connection often implies that the color would be the same at that point. For example, if you have depth layers, you want foot color to match the ground color. Adding some blur can make the trick, but it will end up… blurry. That’s why we developed Color Constraint. Choose the point of connection, choose the color you want to enforce, and the layer color will be adapted to match your constraint.

After Effects

Point Gradations

Last Update: Aug. 01. 2011

Interpolation of colored points

This effect interpolates some point colors. The difference with existing effects is in the number of points (up to 10), and the number of interpolation scheme available.

After Effects

Path Gradations

Last Update: Aug. 01. 2011

Interpolation of colored curves

Write some curves, affect them colors and weights, and you get some smooth gradation of the colors between the curves. The curves are just standard AE masks, so you can animate them with key frame the same way.

After Effects

Highlight Shader

Last Update: Aug. 01. 2011

Edit highlights just with mouse clicks and drags

Highlights are the result of a complex combination of lights, camera and object shapes. It’s really difficult to control there appearance or shape. Highlight Shader gives you the possibility to tune intuitively your highlights. Without changing lights or camera you can keyframe your highlight position. You can alter the shape in size and even get some Anime-like square highlights. The techniques behind Highlight Shader has been presented at NPAR 2006 "Tweakable Light and Shade for Cartoon Animation".


Shade Painter

Last Update: Aug. 01. 2011

Control highlights and shadows by painting

The physically realistic computation of 3DCG rendering software makes it difficult to edit locally the final result. Modifying the resulting shadow or highlights usually involves to modify the lights which will result in a global and not local modification. With Shade Painter, you can edit locally the shading result while keeping the global result of the rendering. You can conform then more easily to artistic direction that may be non compatible with realistic rendering and lighting. The techniques behind this tool has been presented at Siggraph 2007, "Locally Controllable Stylized Shading".



Last Update: Aug. 01. 2011

NURBS generation along animated path

oppo is used to add some artistic expression of the path of an object after you animated it. For example you can achieve some light trails of lights in motion or the smoke trail of a bullet. You may add noise, fluctuations or extinction to the generated NURBS curves. The name oppo means "tail" in Japanese, which pictures the kind of generated effect.



Last Update: Aug. 01. 2011

Simulate complex crowd within Maya

This is a crowd simulation plug-in for Maya. After setting up your scene, simulated characters move while avoiding obstacles and without colliding each other. This tool use some basic "goals" and "events" concept and enable the simulation of a wide range of scene (people walking and crossing at an intersection, large scale battle scenes…).


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